Post by alex0816 on May 7, 2011 5:16:40 GMT
100% agree dm, wwe just spit in christians face and said you arent good enuff.
and about wwe doin this for a reaction, get the fuck outta hear wit dat, no one gives 2 shits about randy headlock orton winnin another world title, people cared about christian because it was new, he'd never been champ and every1 was so glad that he finally did it because he's been so deserving of being a top talant.
christian has great mic skills and is a great wrestler, wat da fuck is wwe problem, oh thats right, he walked out on u pieces of shit in 05 when u STILL hadn't given him a deserving push and when he came back, u looked at him as a trader, and treated him like a punk. fuck u wwe
Post by jman on May 7, 2011 11:32:52 GMT
Ok after watching smackdown i still call BS! The focus of the night was 'my god 17 years and christian finally did it!! You deserve it christian and its going to take alot for christian to lose the title tonight!'............BS! Im a huge fan of title reigns being won by people who have been in the business so long e.g eddie, benoit etc! Its great storyline because those guys legitimately get emotional e.g opening segment of smackdown this week! It makes them look like they 100% EARNED IT! wwe in my opinion shat on christian....made him look lik a bad champion and devalued the title once again! Overall though i actually really enjoyed wwe this week minus this little detail. Two very different shows this week but i really enjoyed both! P.s kharma is awesome....that is all
Post by Board Admin on May 7, 2011 13:07:47 GMT
Okay, but do you ever question why he dropped it? Many people were saying it felt like when Rey won the belt and was claiming to do it for Eddie. Remember the absolute backlash fans gave Rey for that. He never really recovered from it since. Many were saying Christian only won the title because of Edge’s retirement and the backlash to that was only starting. You think they might have dropped it quick so that no-one can make that similarity? It’s not a spit in his face. A Spit in his face would mean he would come out the start of the show get RKO’ed by Orton and he wins the title right there and then. Instead he had a great fifteen minute match and lost it without any interference or random screw ups.
No Alex I will not as you say ”Get the fuck out of here with that?” Because it is true, a lot of WWE’s actions are based on people’s reactions. Why did Morrison get put into the main event of Extreme rules, oh yeah because of REACTIONS!!!!! The fact Orton got given a World Title shot because of the fans – That’s a Reaction The fact people cheered or booed regardless of if it was thirty two seconds or ten hours – That’s a Reaction The Pops or Boos he gets when he comes out – That’s a Reaction The Merchandise people buy of his – That’s a Reaction The fact he turned face in 2010 – That’s a Reaction The use of his moves being imitated all over the internet – That’s a Reaction The fact people like to copy Orton promos and post them on the internet – That’s a Reaction The fact that loads of people have got any or all of his entrance music – That’s a Reaction The Signs people made saying stuff like RKO and Viper – That’s a Reaction The internet blowing up these past few days because of what happened – That’s a Reaction The thread I am posting in right now – That’s a Reaction
Yeah Alex, WWE didn’t do this for a reaction, MY ASS THEY DIDN’T!!!!
Also think about this, what happened around this time last year, the debut of Nexus and the firing of one Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson. Everyone on the internet was going insane with anger and hatred, I was sitting here saying it’s an angle and there going to bring him back. Two months later they bring him back. Isn’t it weird that one year later in a situation that has the internet going crazy and everyone is going apeshit on Orton, and Christian is the victim. Makes you think doesn’t it!
I have never said I was against Christian being champion. I actually thought it was quite cool, I agree he is deserving. I have NEVER EVER said that Christian wasn’t deserving of that world title when he was being brought into the main event. I thought it was cool when he won it.
Actually Alex, Christian was starting to get a BIG push into the main event picture in 2005 when he walked out on them. He went to another company and flourished and failed at times. He decides to come back and because WWE know it will get a REACTION (OH SHOCK HORROR NOT A REACTION) and because he is a good worker, they brought him back. But you’re telling me that they should have just handed him the World Title on his return in 2009?
I have been saying this for a while and it only came to fruition a few weeks ago, WWE is a BUISNESS! Your in it to make money, Orton makes more money to fans then Christian, end of sentence. The World Title on your shoulder means nothing as for how much money and merchandise you make. It just means that you’re in the main event and you’re personally making more money by you being in the main event. Christian left during a time he was going to get a push, why when he returns should you push the guy that left your company? The use of him going to TNA and coming back not being right in the main event is justified; you have to pay you dues before you can move on. Look at Brock Lesnar, it only took them seven years and WWE were thinking of bringing him in at a Wrestlemania. The fact Christian got only two years should be considered lucky!
Again I am not saying Christian doesn’t deserve it, when it fact he deserves it quite a lot. My opinion is that this is the START of a longer and future angle. Orton as champ brings them in Money and look at Smackdown now; here is the credible main event PPV talent, Christian and Orton. THAT’S IT! Sheamus got jobbed to Hunter in February/March and never recovered, Rey, Swagger, Big Show and Kingston all went to Raw. Kane was ass raped all over Smackdown by Edge in late 2010. The only two credible main event talent they have that can main event a PPV for Smackdown is Christian and Orton. Have Orton win the belt and get a reaction. That is step one. Did you see the end of Smackdown with Christian looking dejected and walking away psst, it builds up the angle!!! Step Two is what they go from here, possibility of turning Orton heel and having a long drawn out feud? Does Christian come back fighting and get another title shot and wins? Do they have a match at the next PPV and something happens making the angle shoot in a new direction? There are many possibilities as to what they can do.
Christian has even said on his twitter that hey he lost the World Title to Randy Orton, that’s how things go….setting up an Angle even more. This whole deal is screaming of a future angle and I GUARANTEE YOU, before the end of 2011, Christian will be World Champion and this time it will mean something, because he will have won it for himself and not on the coke tails of Edge retiring. I GUARANTEE A CHRISTIAN WORLD TITLE REIGN BEFORE THE END OF 2011!
Has WWE potentially fucked up with this…Maybe? But what’s all the beef with WWE, we fuck up all the time and we don’t get a million people pointing the finger at us and complaining and moaning. Honestly I don’t think people should be sending messages of wanting Orton and WWE dead, due to what happened on Smackdown because that is REALLY childish. Before you say it, I know I have said crap like that before but the difference is, I joke about it. When you’re sending a message to someone on twitter, ninety percent of the time it is real. It’s a shame Christian isn’t champion anymore but I am not going to shit all over this angle when it hasn’t even started. Case closed. I am out of here!
Post by alex0816 on May 7, 2011 21:21:54 GMT
ok suppose they did do this for a reaction, why do it at christians expense? why not have cena lose the wwe title a nite later on raw? oh thats right, because he's the so called workhorse along with randy borton. christian would make as much money if not more for wwe if they decided to push him properly, but they just see him as a joke.
and i'll agree christian seemed like he may have gotten pushed in 05, but i dont think him being in 1 triple threat match means he woulda got pushed. and im not saying they should've gave christian the belt in 09, they should of put him on raw or sd insted of the c show which not many people watched, they could of had him fued with top talants on these shows insted of jack fuckin swagger.
i will shit on this angle, because with no build to a match, it makes christian look like a bitch, they could have at least waited til the next ppv, but this is wwe, always have to have their boys.
I guarantee christian will be a mid carder for the rest of the year, maybe get a shot here or there, wont win it. heres a list of ortons shitty fueds for the next couple months.
orton vs mark henry-will be some of the most boring matches of the year orton vs sheamus-because wwe thinks those matches last year were so good orton vs rhodes-this would be good match maybe, but rhodes will be squashed orton vs khali-yea its gonna happen
so wwe can fuck off for the next year for me, wit cena dominating raw and orton sd, this will probly be 1 of the more boring years in recent memory. i really hope punk, christian, and others just bounce when there contracts are up, they are way too talanted to be staying in that crap hole of the wwe, the talants that they waste is just sad.
Post by thebeast96 on May 7, 2011 23:10:53 GMT
This is complete crap, I really don't want to watch WWE anymore. In the last few years I made the switch from casual fan to really getting in to the behind the scenes stuff. I am so pissed at WWE for all of the politics that have been going on lately, I really wish I did not know the things I know now and wish I could just watch blindly but I can't anymore. The only way Orton winning the belt can be good at all is if Christian has a knockdown, drag out fued with Orton that makes him look really strong. But I doubt that will happen, please save your company Vince. You are losing the fans that made you what you are now.
Post by Board Admin on May 8, 2011 9:21:20 GMT
Why didn’t they get Cena to drop the belt one night later, because he is already embroiled in a feud with Rock which Cena has come out and said will be for the WWE title. So Cena will lose it at Mania. That storylines ends with that. What do you mean so called Work Horse? Have you seen what Cena does? The guy does SO much for WWE and he deserves his spot and where he is, most wishes granted, always punctual, never hear a bad word against him backstage, always willing to help out. Yeah working and help WWE and you get rewarded. Sorry but Cena deserves where he is. In one year Cena worked 364 out of 365 days. Yeah Cena isn’t the Work Horse….My Ass he isn’t!
Like I said when Christian came back, you pay your dews. Christian left the company and comes back. He needs to start from the bottom. He maybe a main eventer in TNA but that means nothing. In WWE you start from the bottom. Jack Swagger was an up coming talent in 2009, both men were elevated up and further into the ladder of WWE so Christian going to ECW was the absolute right decision. Plus if he went to Raw or Smackdown he would have got lost much like he did back in 2004 and 2005. So make ECW the Christian Show and show everyone what he can do and boom there you go. More people care about Christian again. It’s called Business!
You CAN’T shit on an Angle THAT HAS NOT STARTED! This is the first match in a longer storyline. The thing is WWE were in a rut, with Edge out. No-one could have been champion without a problem. People complain about Orton because it’s Orton. Del Rio would get shit because he won it too early and Christian won it because of the coke tails of Edge’s retirement. WWE were screwed in anything they did and could they have made Christian a good champ….possibly. BUT! The underlying fact that he won it ONLY because Edge retired is the problem. It was Eddie/Rey all over again and they wanted to steer clear from it. Yes a company has its people that look upon, what’s wrong with that. EVERY company in the world does it, but you don’t complain about them. What’s the difference with WWE?
Christian will be a main eventer, the way Smackdown ended. That screams Christian getting the belt and finally reaching the pinnacle and this time doing it himself. Christian is now a main eventer and will stay there for a while. I say he will win the belt at TLC. Makes sense as he is the TLC specialist!
Yeah Punk and Christian bounce, yeah what the hell!!!….MORE EX-WWE TALENT GOING TO TNA! That’s just what we all want, here have a World Title, a shitty title reign, get bogged down by Hogan and Bischoff shit and then lose the belt in a crap fashion and become fucked in TNA and be back to square one. Yeah those two won’t go back to TNA because there smart.
I AM DONE! With this topic, I can’t be assed to write anymore. I have said my piece and I am moving on with great interest in how this all pans out. I don’t care what anyone thinks about me. I think there beginning has started and this is going to be a good story between the two. It’s got the reaction and got people talking. Good or bad, it’s doing it job. I am happy with everything this is happening and that’s that.
Post by Valdora on May 8, 2011 13:44:53 GMT
2/5 days does not a title reign make. End of story.
Post by jman on May 8, 2011 15:13:24 GMT
I know this has been the talk lately but to go off topic for a second....does anyone know what is with the lighting for sin cara's matches? lol can he not wrestle under lights?!
Post by jman on May 10, 2011 12:26:18 GMT
Well suposedly this smackdown did the lowest rating of 2011 so far. Hmmmm i wonder what it was that people did not want to see? Lol
Post by Board Admin on May 11, 2011 10:28:57 GMT
But to the credit of those people, if you hear the spoiler whats the point of seeing Smackdown.
If you remain non-spoiler you watch, if you catch my drift.
Post by alex0816 on May 11, 2011 15:17:31 GMT
knowing wwe, they use the low rating as an excuse to not push christian anymore and say "see, no one wanted to see him as champ."