Post by jman on Apr 6, 2011 21:37:32 GMT
I know its wayyyyyy too early but fuck it....someone had to ask. What you guys think bout the announcement for rock vs cena a year in advance? Im soooooo glad we getting this match and in my opinion there is nowhere else for it other than wrestlemania 28. However im interested to see how they keep the momentum going. By sounds of it we getting possibly hhh vs taker 3. I dont really want to see that but a good build up could easily change my mind. Now....call me crazy...im going to throw this out there. Iv a feeling we might get austin vs cm punk next year too! I just got a feeling.
Post by DM on Apr 7, 2011 0:20:35 GMT
Booking a Wrestlemania match post Wrestlemania, someone had that idea and wishes he went through with it (grr) but this gives them either a year to build this up or fuck it up meaning Cena can NOT go for that title for the next year, should he defend it at Mania it's pointless, should he win it he'll just lose it prior to mania so lets pray WWE does the right thing. Another rematch between Taker and Trips, well, it would HAVE to be Hell In A Cell since that is the third extreme for them. Punk vs. Austin, not going to happen. Austin cannot wrestle due to his neck and Punk isn't going to sign for a two minute squash.
Post by Valdora on Apr 7, 2011 1:53:49 GMT
I think this is great. The only problem is if one of them gets injured. And yeah Cena needs to now stay away from the title.
As far as HHH and Undertaker go. They should give Taker the rest of the year off to get in top shape and then yeah do the match I did. HITC between its two masters.
Post by thebeast96 on Apr 7, 2011 2:57:15 GMT
I think its great that WWE made this match, it is something that fanboys everywhere wanted to see. I am also happy because(I hope) this means Cena will not be in the title picture this year, which is very good for Morrison,Bourn Ect. As far as HHH-Taker I really am not crazy about a 3rd, but then again I was dead set against HBK-Taker 2 and we all know how that turned out. I would like to see them face off again sometime, because the ending of their Mania match left a sour taste in my mouth. It made Taker look really weak, and I would rather the streak end then have Taker looking that weak at the end. Although Taker and HHH might get fired before WM 28 if they keep using chairshots to the head LOL! BTW: It show how good Taker is at his job when people are actually worried about his health, he is the master of selling an injury. Just look at HITC with Brock Lesnar, his hand was not broken, but you would never know. It should be a interesting year, don't screw it up WWE!
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"Fleshlight: An end to Fist-Fuckery."- Kevin Smith
Posts: 48
Post by BigDXEvil on Apr 7, 2011 6:29:04 GMT
While I'm not crazy about Taker vs. HHH again(and at the risk of sounding like HHH) who else could Taker fight for his 20 and 0? Since it has to be a big match the only person I can think of is Cena, but he's taken. Maybe Taker could run a gantlet of old Wrestlemania opponents.<- That last sentence was a joke.
Post by Board Admin on Apr 7, 2011 9:34:56 GMT
Actually Beast96 Taker did have a legit Broken hand, they just worked it into the storyline.
Post by jman on Apr 7, 2011 14:00:08 GMT
It would have to be a propper hell in a cell though. Not the watered down versions we getting lately. It would have to be sick and brutal. Vince please let them go out and just do their thing for one night.....then i would be hyped for another match no doubt!
Post by alex0816 on Apr 9, 2011 4:15:31 GMT
its real strange to me to announce the match one year in advance, i mean they could have a great build up, but i expect cena to be right in the middle of the title hunt til the rumble which is stupid imo
i think it's safe to say that we'll get hhh vs taker 3, don't know what to expect but i predict that this will be takers final match sadly win or lose(win hopefully)
other things i'd like them to build in the next year but probly wont happen:
cm punk in the ME and not jobbin christian vs edge in edges last match(heard he's retiring next year)