Post by Valdora on Jan 18, 2011 11:05:14 GMT
As you may have heard lately, myself and the others have been giving Raw very positive reviews and with good reason. Raw is great right now. If that last or not, I don't know.
But what I am posting here about is the reason Raw has been getting much better during the winter, other than the usual Wrestlemania reasons. That is because finally in 2010 WWE got it. They needed new stars.
In 2010 and 2011 WWE have finally started to make the mid card young guys stars and the new young guys future stars. The Nexus may not have worked out until now but stars where made. CM Punk and Miz are finally who they should be, as is Morrison and others.
There are still many problems with the WWE product but in my mind this is one thing I will tip my hat to. The WWE is the young guys show now. Unlike TNA who are relying on stars WWE made five or ten, even fifteen years ago.
Who would have ever thought WWE would be the young guys show where talent are allowed to wrestle. What parallel universe are we in right now?
Post by jman on Jan 18, 2011 16:55:16 GMT
I could'nt agree more! They definitely have created some great new stars. One new star that really has caught my attention has been dolph ziggler.....that guy can go one on one with anyone and have a great match! He really stepped up his game and fair play to him.....got himself a title match! Yeh raw has been great lately but no way perfect...still few things i didnt like. Santino winning with cobra=fail...wtf wwe?!....... and john cena starting raw this week was awful.....saying ''poopie''....really?! Seemed they took the edge they had last week away for this week. Im sick of cena saying...''its pg guys im doing my best''. Im a bit worried for wrestlemania at the moment. You can tell that they are caught between whether to have john cena vs randy orton (PLEASE GOD NO!!!) or john cena vs miz........meh. I would prefer cm punk vs cena and miz vs morrison. Its going to be interesting to see which way they go in the next few weeks. I hope they put daniel bryan on the wrestlemania card this year and give him good amount of time...he could easily have the greatest match this year at mania....just get rid of the bellas story with him...its stupid wwe....nobody cares.
Post by Valdora on Jan 18, 2011 17:14:56 GMT
Yeah thats the downside. I think its safe to assume by the way they built up the adversity on Raw that Cena will likely win it. Which will suck!
But after they basiclaly gave the Cena the story to overcome (nexus) they have almost showed their hand.
Post by jman on Jan 19, 2011 0:46:02 GMT
Haha yup! Can anyone tell me what was with cena when on his way to the ring backstage goes up to some guy on a phone....takes the phone and throws it away! Wtf!! Haha!! Most random moment ever!